Key word: Ipl hair removal ▏ Diode laser hair removal ▏ Nd yag laser tattoo removal ▏ Fractional CO2 Laser ▏ Cryolipolysis slimming
-----------------------------Forever Friend From Once COOPERATION -----------------------------------
Since 2008, we have been specializing in professionaland advanced technology for salons, spas, clinics andpractices.
Our geared focus towards delivering customers withforward thinking treatment innovations combined withan unparalleled level of service and ongoing businesssupport has seen our team rapidly evolve into industryleaders - setting the benchmark for what's possible inthe burgeoning field of aesthetics. Currently, we providecutting-edge treatment technology and businessgrowth support to over 2,000 stockists across world.
Our team consists of over 30 passionate technologyspecialists including qualified engineers, marketers,technology consultants, educators, client care, logistics,finance, management and administration staff. Throughthis close knit network, we equip beauty businesses ofall sizes and expertise with access to the highest qualityand medical grade range of aesthetic equipment - allthoroughly researched and sourced from the world'sbest innovators in advanced technology for your salon,spa, clinic and practice.
We are the first technology provider when it comes to:
√ IPL Hair Removal machine
√ 808nm diode laser hair removal machine
√ Cryolipolysis freezing slimming machine
√ IPL LASER RF Multifunction equipment
√ CO2 laser beauty equipment
√ IPL YAG laser Spar part
√Nd:Yag Laser Tattoo Removal Machine
√ Home Use Mini Beauty Machine
√ Facial lifiting Skin up machine
Cooperative agencies
The Global Beauty Group is registered under the China Cooperation Act,2008 Business Number 91110115674295685F.